Hi there! I am going to share my rounds of what is new to the booth. I have decided the most fun way to do this is to share flat lays photos. I will be complying weekly and or seasonally assortments of inventory I am bringing to my booth to sell.

Please feel free to Pin/Comment/Get Inspired. For this round we are heading into the early early season of spring. Little moments of color and florals are my inspiration for this round of inventory.
I am going to be going full spring mode soon but for now small hints of it is fun!
I like to mix a lot of farmhouse with eclectic vintage items. I am naturally drawn to both and mixing both seems to work in my mind. As you can see I am taking these on my dining table which is very farmhouse but the sifters on the black ship lap wall are antiques so this is pretty much the base line of my style. I love mixing both. I like to reflect the same in my booth as I try to offer my ideas to similar design styles as myself. Sharing the treasures is what this is all about for me.

Thank you for stopping by!
⁃ Summer